14th International Conference on Minority Languages
11-14 September 2013
Graz, Austria
Proposals regarding original and previously unpublished research on minority languages are invited in two formats: colloquia and individual papers. Proposals should fall broadly within the conference theme.
Proposals for colloquia
Colloquia are collections of paper presentations that relate to a narrowly defined topic of interest, and are offered in a three-hour time block. Proposals for colloquia are limited to 700 words, and should include brief summaries of each of the papers to be included, along with paper titles and individual authors’ names. Sufficient detail should be provided to allow peer reviewers to judge the scientific merit of the proposal. The person submitting a proposal for a colloquium is responsible for securing the permission and co-operation of all participants before the proposal is submitted. A chair for the session must also be identified. Please submit your proposal in English.
The submission deadline for proposals for colloquia is January 31, 2013. Submissions should be sent to icml14(at)uni-graz.at.
Proposals for individual papers
Please submit by e-mail a one-page (500-word) abstract of your paper, including your name, affiliation, address, phone and e-mail address at the end of your abstract. The abstract should include enough detail to allow reviewers to judge the scientific merits of the proposal. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the members of the Scientific Committee of ICML XIV.
We will accept for presentation by each author:(a) a maximum of one first authored paper and (b) a maximum of two papers in any authorship status. Oral papers will be allotted 30 minutes, allowing 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions. The official language of the conference is English.
The submission deadline for proposals for individual papers is January 31, 2013. Submissions should be sent to icml14(at)uni-graz.at.
Acknowledgement of receipt of abstracts and proposals for colloquia will be sent by e-mail as soon as possible after the receipt. You will receive notification of acceptance of individual papers or colloquia as soon as possible but no later than March 31, 2013.
Quelle und weitere Infos des Clusters 'Sprache und Pluralität': http://icml14.uni-graz.at/